BD TOPO® Extractor - Documentation

Description: This tool allows you to extract specific data from IGN’s BD TOPO®. The extraction is based on either an extent drawned by the user on the map canvas or a layer’s extent. It allows the user to extract elements from IGN’s BD TOPO® with an extent or inside a layer as reference.
Author and contributors: Jules GRILLOT
Plugin version: 1.0.2
QGIS minimum version: 3.10
QGIS maximum version: 3.99
Source code:
Last documentation update: 25 September 2024

What’s the point

This tool allows you to extract specific data from IGN’s BD TOPO®. The extraction is based on either an extent drawned by the user on the map canvas or a layer’s extent. The data is based on the WFS service published by IGN with the Géoplateforme.

How to use it

Only 4 steps are required to use the BD TOPO® Extractor :

  1. Select the extent you want to use to extract data.

  2. Select the data you want to extract.

  3. Select if you want to clip the data based on the extent or keep all the features intersecting the extent intact.

  4. Select if you want to save the result or not, and if so the output folder and output format.

User Interface


1. Select an extent

You can either draw a rectangle on the map (default) or select a layer in your project and use it’s extent.

Choose your weapon

2 checkboxes allow you to select how you want to get the extent used for the data extraction :

  • Draw an extent to extract data : if you want to use a drawned extent. Then you have to click the Draw an extent button and create a rectangle on the map.

  • Use layer extent to extract data : if you want to use a layer’s extent. Check it and then use the combobox to select the layer you want to use.

Error messages

The selected layer or the drawned rectangle is outside of the total extent of the WFS data.


The drawned rectangle is too big, the process can take a long time.


The max extent of the WFS data can be added to the map with the checkbox Draw the extent on the map.

2. Select data to export

All data in the WFS are listed in the middle part of the UI. You can either select all of the data with the checkbox Extract all data from BD TOPO® or select only the wanted data by checking their respectives checkboxes.

3. Select output geometry

You can extract all features intersecting the extent (default) by checking Keep data intersecting the extent or choose to clip all features with the extent by checking Clip data intersecting the extent.

4. Select output format

Save result as temporary layer

If you don’t want to save the extracted data as layers (default) you only have to select the output crs with the combobox.

Save result as layer

If you want to save the extracted data as layers you have to :

  • select the output crs with the combobox.

  • check the Save the results : checkbox.

  • select if you want to add the exported data to the project (default) or not.

  • select the output format, GeoPackage (default), Shapefile or GeoJSon.

  • select the output folder to save the new layers inside a folder called BDTopoExport_yyyymmdd_HHMM.

If GeoPackage format is selected, only one file is created inside the folder with all layers inside.

Launch the extraction

The extraction begin when you press the OK button.

Additional tools

By clicking the IGN button, you’ll be redirected to IGN’s website. By clicking the Documentation button, you’ll be redirected to this page. By clicking the Metadata button, you’ll be redirected to the description of the BD TOPO® by IGN. An OpenStreeMap basemap is automatically added to the project if there is no layer in it. So the user can draw a rectangle.